Boing Boing

Deadline looms for Clarion Writers' Workshop applications

There's a scant few weeks left to get your applications in to the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop at UCSD, a six-week intensive boot-camp for would-be writers. Clarion students write and critique every day, and receive one-on-one and group instruction from six instructors. I graduated from Clarion in 1992, and it was an absolutely transformative crucible for me, teaching me more in six weeks of writing and critiquing that I'd learned in the past five years of working on my own.

Clarion instills good work habits, good artistic sensibilities, and good professional attitudes in its graduates, and has served as a springboard for the careers of writers like Bruce Sterling, Octavia Butler, Tobias Buckell, Ted Chiang, Nalo Hopkinson, Pat Murphy, Kim Stanley Robinson, Jeff Vendermeer, and many others.

I've been privileged to attend, teach and oversee Clarion. It's one of the best shortcuts I know for promising writers looking to turn their passion into a career.

The 2009
Clarion Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers' Workshop

June 28 through August 8, 2009

University of California, San Diego

2009 Writers in Residence:

Holly Black
Larissa Lai
Robert Crais
Kim Stanley Robinson
Elizabeth Hand
Paul Park

The 2009 Clarion Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers' Workshop

Clarion West (similar workshop, in Seattle)

(Disclosure: I am proud to volunteer as a Director of the nonprofit Clarion Foundation, which oversees the workshop)

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