Boing Boing

Are the photos of Borneo's monster snake real?


My unexpert analysis concludes that these photos of a 100-foot long river snake from Borneo are as phony as a politician's smile.

Grainy images of a large snake in Borneo's Baleh River have some locals afraid the mythical Nabu snake is back. Is Borneo's 100-foot river snake—reported yesterday by London's Telegraph and captured in photographs (one appears to the left)—real?

Like the Loch Ness Monster, countless UFOs and Bigfoot, it's hard to say, says Hany Farid, a computer science professor at Dartmouth University, because it's been captured in such low resolution. "It's as if you took a blood sample," he says, "threw away 99 percent of it and asked me to do a forensic analysis."

Are the photos of Borneo's monster snake real?

UPDATE, Feb 26: In the comments, Fromage used the excellent image search site TinEye to find the original snake-free photo (left). Congrats for exposing the hoax, Fromage!

UPDATE, Feb 27: Rhonda Roland Shearer says: Please see our recent post: We note that you credited Fromage with discovery of the source photo (judged from his Feb 26th comment) but Nuno of posted his investigation on Feb 25th.

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