Aggy from Amnesty UK sez,
1 in 10 women in Britain experience rape or other violence
and one in four local authorities leave female victims of violence without the specialised support they need.This is just an example of some pretty shocking statistics revealed by the new report 'Map of Gaps 2', launched by The End Violence Against Women coalition and the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
As International Women's Day is coming up this week, Amnesty UK is rallying online communities to do something about this disgraceful lack of services simply by asking thousands of you on Facebook and Myspace to update your avatars and statuses at 1:10 on Friday 6th March.
The status update is: Each year, 1 in 10 women in Britain experience rape or other violence. Act now.
On Twitter, change your profile picture to the oneten avatar and use #1in10 to spread the message.
The idea is that once you've updated your status, your mates will click on the link and take action for women in Britain. Then they will change their statuses, their mates will click through and take action, and before you know it there will enough services for women across Britain.
Each year, around 1 in 10 women in Britain experience rape or other violence
(Thanks, Aggy!)