The folks at NYC Resistor laser-cut this sweet little flying-V ukelele, designed with open source tools. It's just a half-size prototype. but there's some there there for sure.
2) With the help from a kind friend, I got this file into the proper format for printing, stuck a sheet of 1/8″ x 24″ x 12″ plywood into the laser, and then hit the "GO" button. Just before you hit that button, you are required to shout "FIRE THE LAZZZZOR", just so people know, well, that something magic is about to happen.3) After about twenty minutes of laazzzoor (which costs me $20… $1 per minute of laser use), out came the piece of wood, from which I could easily pop out the various parts of my new uku. From there, some simple wood glue and human hand pressure produced the outcome seen below.
Open-Source Ukulele Proto Uno Lazzzzored FTW!
(Thanks, Nathan!)