David Byrne, Boing Boing hero, music legend, international art treasure, and patron saint of all that is wonderful in the universe, sends us these snapshots from the road. He says:
I've been enjoying the postings of terrorist alert, security and CCTV posters on Boing Boing. All Eyes On You was a lovely one!
here's one I saw on the road near Newcastle, where I performed the other night. love the "be taken down" in smaller type…I want one of these for my house!
en route to Liverpool
I've uploaded them to flickr: one, two.
- ONE NATION UNDER CCTV graffito in London – Boing Boing
- Remixes of the paranoid London police "anti-terror"/suspect your …
- Remixing the London police's insane, paranoid terrorism scare …
- Do not discard brain — war on terror poster – Boing Boing
- Propaganda posters remixed for the war on terror – Boing Boing
- Dumbest salvo yet in the war on terror, courtesy of the London …