Boing Boing

LaidOffCamp NY, May 1&2, 2009


Nate Heasley, longtime friend of BB and occasional guest blogger for BB Gadgets, wrote to tell me about an event that he's helping to organize called LaidOffCamp NY. It's a two-day event this coming Friday and Saturday that is all about "hacking the job search." On Friday the event kicks off with a panel discussion and networking reception, and Saturday there will be an unconference about how to bounce-back from being laid-off, whether that's reinventing yourself, going back to school, finding your next gig, starting your own company, or just figuring out what to do with your free time. The event is free (donation suggested) and there are still tickets available. Even if tickets run out there will be an open casual-networking event on Saturday evening at the John Street Bar & Grill. Those who might want to help sponsor the event, contact Nate directly.

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