Boing Boing

So Long, Farewell, Adieu

Maggie Koerth-Baker was a guest blogger on Boing Boing. A freelance science and health journalist, Maggie lives in Minneapolis, brain dumps on Twitter, and writes quite often for mental_floss magazine.

Today is my last day guest blogging, and I just wanted to drop a quick note to say thank you and let you all know how much fun I've had over the past couple of weeks. Y'all have been a great, thought-provoking crowd to share my book and my random ramblings with–almost like having coworkers again!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and may your Monday be less than hellish. Until the nude animal revolution comes, I leave you with these adorable photos of a hairless rat, and a hairless cat.

Cat pick from The Pug Father, via CC. Rat pic from jurvetson, also CC.

P.S., a couple people have asked how to keep up with me post Boing Boing. Best way is via Twitter, where I will point you toward various writing projects occasionally and try to be entertaining and informative (within a limited word count) in the in-between time. Thank you again. I hope to return to Boing Boing in the future.

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