Boing Boing

Recently at Boing Boing Gadgets


Recently at Boing Boing Gadgets, we looked at the wonderful world of LEDs, plus much more.

Steven posted a video of a Japanese kid that made a Pac-Man Roomba using 488 LEDs; LED wedding garb; a $100 LED Knight Rider strip; sneakers with LED soles; 5 LED projects he'd probably never do; and a stackable LED block lamp. He also reviewed the Mind Lamp, which supposedly changes colors depending on the state of your consciousness. Lisa wrote about an LED toothbrush and interviewed Shuji Nakamura, the guy who invented the blue LED and later sued his company for paying him a $200 discovery bonus.

Joel wrote about two new video projectors from JVC; how a Monoprice HDMI adapter is making his MacBook Pro lock up; a video of the punk engineers at Transmutant; asked why Home Depot isn't aping Ponoco; posted a pic of the NASA Snack Mobile.

Rob wrote about a portrait of Steve Jobs made from Apple slogans; blue pyramid-shaped computer; the new Diesel watch; Microsoft's claim that it costs $30,000 to fill an iPod with music; a cheesy TV ad for a Windows cleaning software; and why netbooks are serious business for IT.

Don't miss the pics of four creepy humanoid robot faces.

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