Boing Boing

Small sf press rallies despite recession

Brett from the independent sf publisher ChiZine sez,

While many other publishers, big and small, have been firing people and putting acquisition freezes on their lists, we at ChiZine Publications have been trying to push our business to the wall and make a real go of it. To that end, we're launching four books at WorldCon in August:

Daniel Rabuzzi's 'The Choir Boats'
Claude Lalumiere's 'Objects of Worship' (with a foreword by James Morrow)
David Nickle's 'Monstrous Affections' (with a foreword by Michael Rowe)
Robert J. Wiersema's 'The World More Full of Weeping'

However, until then–and to partly finance this big-ass launch–I need to try to sell as many pre-order copies of our third title, 'The Tel Aviv Dossier' by Lavie Tidhar & Nir Yaniv, through the CZP website as I can, so I was hoping you could help spread the word. We're offering 15% off until June 30th.

A potent mixture of biblical allusions, Lovecraftian echoes, and contemporary culture, The Tel Aviv Dossier is part supernatural thriller, part meditation on the nature of belief–an original and involving novel painted on a vast canvas in which, beneath the despair, humour is never absent. Experience the last days of Tel Aviv…

The Tel Aviv Dossier TPB pre-order info!

(Thanks, Brett!)

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