Boing Boing

NYC: Hackday around tangible interfaces June 6

 Files 2009 05 Trackmate Curio

If you're in NYC next Saturday, Internet Week New York is hosting a global hackday around tangible interfaces. More info over at the Hackday site. It'll be interesting to see what comes out of this! From Hackday:

In an open hackday for coders and makers, we expand the notion of digital software interfaces into the three-dimensional physical world. Using tangible objects and webcam tracking, we'll work with the open-source Trackmate project and LusidOSC framework developed by the Tangible Media Group at the MIT Media Lab. We'll experiment with new interfaces for music, live and interactive visuals, and the Web, as hackers attending try their own hardware and software projects. By the end of the day, we should have a collection of tangible interface projects. Participants should have a background in Java or Processing; for the complete project, check our site for a required bill of materials.

During the day, we'll get together and make interfaces. Then, everyone will be welcome to come check out the results and learn how to make their own projects at a party in the evening. We'll have live music and visual play with the new interfaces, plus a bit of Guitar Hero / music games to blow off steam.

Live global hacking: 11a-7p (arrive promptly for a quick mini-workshop / demo)
Party: 7-9:30p

Hackday in NYC: Tangible Interfaces

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