Boing Boing

Causing a Scene: Extraordinary Pranks in Ordinary Places with Improv Everywhere


Improv Everywhere is the joyful performance art troupe that pulls playful large scale pranks designed to surprise and delight unwitting public audiences. They're the ones behind the frozen people in Grand Central Station, the No Pants! subway ride, the Food Court Musical, the 80 fake uniformed Best Buy employees, the Starbuck's time loop, the McDonald's bathroom attendant prank, and others.

Improv Everywhere founder Charlie Todd and his cohort Alex Scordelis have written a book, Causing a Scene: Extraordinary Pranks in Ordinary Places with Improv Everywhere, that reveals the behind-the-scenes stories of 13 of their pre-planned missions, along with tips on how anyone can start their own street theater prank group.

Yesterday, Improv Everywhere threw a surprise wedding reception for a random couple getting married at City Clerk's Office in Manhattan. Watch the video here.

Causing a Scene: Extraordinary Pranks in Ordinary Places with Improv Everywhere

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