Boing Boing

More on YouTube phenom Justin, aka "Tsimfuckis" aka "Chick3n Little"

Aude Baron, the French journalist who interviewed "Tsimfuckis" for that article in (article: French original / English robo-translation), wrote in to Boing Boing to say…

That's really cool to talk about this kid, with whom I exchanged few mails last week. Just one little thing. At the end of your post, you talk about his YouTube account. Here's what happened…

Justin's first YT acount was "Tsimfuckis". He closed it on June, 2nd because he was fed up with comments coming from the "haterz", as he calls them. But then, his friends and fans told him that it was too bad, that he should keep going on YouTube. So he opened another account with the nickname "Tsimfuckus" on June 3rd. So it's him who controls it.

You may have seen there is another "Tsimfuckis" account on YT, recently created. This one is not Justin's. It's a f*cking "haterz", and who announced Justin's death…

Justin is a real cool kid, and I hope he'll see your article, and the great reactions following it.

Previously: Justin (aka "Tsimfuckis," aka "Tsimfuckus," aka "chick3n little.")

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