Boing Boing

Boing Boing Video gets a website makeover, a guest tweet-blog, and a new url:


I'm very happy to blog that our two-year-old, Webby-honored video project has undergone a web makeover, thanks to the fine design talents of Boing Boing Gadgets' Rob Beschizza. We have a new url shortcut that's a little easier to remember, too:

You'll notice a large Flash video embed at the top of the new layout — yeah! A big fat 962 pixel doublewide, baby! This is what video on the web is all about! And, a number of new video-centric, visually pleasing ways to search through our archives. You can sort by category, too: "animation," "sci-tech," "music video," and so on.

The new UI is still under development, and we're sorting out some kinks here and there, so feel free to provide feedback in the comments or by email: By way of that email address, we also welcome suggestions on stuff you'd like us to cover in future episodes, content submissions if you've created something yourself, and, (gotta pay the bills, y'all) — sponsorship inquiries.

Here's a feature I'm super excited about: We've launched a guest-curated sidebar blog, @BBVBOX, where people whose taste in internet video we dig can tweet short pointers to web clips they like. The team right now: Sean Bonner, Susannah BreslinAndrea JamesRichard Metzger, R. Stevens, Jesse Thorn, Robin Sloan and Laughing Squid, aka Scott Beale. The @BBVBOX archives are here.

Huge thanks to all who made the makeover possible — Rob Beschizza, Dean "mustardhamsters" Putney, Joel Johnson, and our tireless and awesome sysadmin Ken Snider, among them! Big thanks also to our hosting and distribution partners, including YouTube, iTunes, Miro, Plex, Boxee, Dotsub (where we'll begin uploading daily videos soon for foreign language subtitling!), and

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