Boing Boing

Fresh Green: Worst Packaging, Human Shrub Attacks English Town, and More

Photo credit: scrapthispack @ Flickr

Note: Each week we'll be bringing you a roundup of fresh green topics from our friends over at TreeHugger. Enjoy!

Packaging Design At Its Worst
Poor packaging design and ridiculous examples of over-packaging come in all shapes and sizes, but it doesn't get much worse than these individually-wrapped bananas.

Human Shrub Attacks Town
Citizens of Colchester beware! Take to your houses. A creature from the swamps has been filling empty planters and baskets with brightly-coloured marigolds and begonias, last seen wandering the streets carrying a sign saying "Save the Roses."

Your Eco-Wood Might Be Illegal
Thinking of buying sustainably harvested wood from Brazil? Check the label, could be illegal wood passed off as eco-certified.

6 Ways To Defuse Anti-Cyclist Road Rage
If you are a cyclist and the victim of Auto Road Rage, there are a number of things you can do to keep the peace. I like #5, don your best plumage.

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