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Errol Morris: Seven Lies About Lying (Part 1)


Errol Morris' multi-part essays for the New York Times are always amazing, and this one, "Seven Lies About Lying" is no exception. Part 1 has an interview with Ricky Jay, the magician, ukulele-player, actor, and historian of sideshows and swindles.

ERROL MORRIS: And it can't be accidental. You can accidentally deceive somebody, but you can't accidentally lie to somebody. If you're lying to somebody, you have to know you're doing it.

RICKY JAY: I've written about verbal deception, for example, the P.T. Barnum sign – "TO THE EGRESS" – to make someone believe something that was other than what was intended. Even though there was nothing wrong with it – it's deceptive. [The sign is intended make people believe that they are about to visit some exotic animal, rather than heading to the exit.] I wrote an article about verbal deception in "Jay's Journal" on the Bonassus.

The Bonassus was presented in 1821 as this extraordinarily exotic creature. I'll read just the opening: "The Bonassus, according to contemporary handbills, has been captured as a six-week-old cub deep in the interiors of America …" –blah, blah, blah… "It was presented to a populous eager for amusement and edification" – this was in London – "whose appetite for curiosities both animal and human was insatiable." The attraction said, "A newly discovered animal, comprising the head and eye of an elephant, the horns of an antelope, a long black beard, the hind parts of a lion, the foreparts of a bison, cloven-footed, has a flowing mane from shoulder to fetlock joint and chews the cud." And underneath the line, " 'Take him for all in all, we ne'er shall look upon his like again.' – Shakespeare."

And I say,

"Using every conceivable method of prevarication, the playbills of the day unabashedly conceal the true identity of the newly discovered Bonassus, this new genus" – that's a quote – "of the African Kingdom had never before been seen in Europe. He was none other than the American Buffalo. As for never seeing his like again, in 1821 the buffalo was the most numerous hoof-footed quadruped on the face of the earth."

Errol Morris: Seven Lies About Lying (Part 1)

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