Boing Boing

Paul Krassner remembers Woodstock

Our friend Paul Krassner wrote a piece for The Huffington Post about his Woodstock experience.

While The Who were performing, [Abbie Hoffman] went up on stage with the intention of informing the audience that John Sinclair, manager of the MC5 and leader of the White Panther Party, was serving ten years in prison for the possession of two joints; that this was really the politics behind the music.

Before Abbie could get his message across, Peter Townshend transformed his guitar into a tennis racket and smashed him on the head with a swift backhand.  Townshend had assumed that Abbie was just another crazed fan.  When The Who played at Fillmore East the previous week, a plainclothes cop rushed on stage and tried to grab the mike.  He intended to warn the audience that there was a fire next door and the theater had to be cleared, but he was able to do so only after Townshend kneed him in the balls.

On the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock

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