Boing Boing

Notes from Marine embed in Afghanistan: Noah Shachtman of Wired "Danger Room" blog.


Defense technology reporter Noah Shachtman says, "I've just finished a fascinating embed with the marines of 2/8 Echo company in Helmand province. They've been fighting the Taliban nearly
non-stop for eight weeks, in one of the war's most active
battlegrounds. Here is one of the stories I wrote last week while I was with Echo.
It's an inside account of a sniper team's hit on a group of militants
— and the marines' multiple brushes with death, during the mission."

Links to Noah's stories for Wired while on embed in Afghanistan:

* Echo Company in the Eye of the Storm

* The Taliban Push Back

* And related posts by Noah on Afghanistan and Pakistan here.

Related BB post: US military cancels contract with firm that graded journalists' "positiveness"

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