Boing Boing

iPhone app featuring Biskup, FriendsWithYou, and DEVILROBOTS

Polyghost - Helper - Iphone

Polyghost is a simple and fun iPhone app that brings collectible vinyl toys into the virtual realm. In development for a year, it features the delightful artwork of BB pal Tim Biskup along with FriendsWithYou and DEVILROBOTS. Developed by Last Legion Games, the $3.99 app comes with Tim's infamous "Helper" character (top left) and you can buy others within the app itself. They range in price from $.99 to $9.99, depending on the value of their real vinyl counterparts. I don't think I'd pay $9.99 for a virtual vinyl character, but I bet some hardcore collectors would. Once you download a character, you can pose it, change the lighting to set a mood, and easily composite the critter into any image in the iPhone's photo album. PolyGhost also offers one-click sharing of your creations on Facebook and Twitter. Polyghost

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