Boing Boing

Magritte painting swiped in daylight heist


Two armed thieves entered the Musée Magritte in Brussels at 10am this morning and made off with surrealist René Magritte's Olympia, valued at £3 million. One of the thieves rang the bell and asked to be let in. When he entered he pulled a gun and ordered the woman who answered the door to let his accomplice in.

A policeman said: "There were three museum workers inside at the time and two Japanese tourists. All five of them were ordered out the back and told to keep quiet by the man with the gun.

"In the museum the other person stole the painting and they both made good their escape. They seemed to know which painting they wanted to steal – they took the whole painting off the wall, including the frame."

What usually happens to stolen paintings? Do the thieves hold them for ransom, do they sell them to private collectors who have secret museums in the homes, or what?

Armed thieves steal Magritte painting in daylight raid

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