A thirsty gentleman with a new bottle of wine, but no corkscrew, shows his friends a neat trick. (Via Cynical-C)
A thirsty gentleman with a new bottle of wine, but no corkscrew, shows his friends a neat trick. (Via Cynical-C)
I know, I know – when you hear YouTube and food in the same sentence, you immediately think of caffeinated ramen or Logan Paul's horrific Lunchly boxed meals, and rightly… READ THE REST
At some point, influencers started deluding themselves into thinking they should have any say on what their audiences put into their bodies. Mr. Beast's ill-fated burger chain was only the… READ THE REST
There are currently 195 recognized countries in the world – but as with anything tied to the inherent unpredictability of international politics, that number has naturally fluctuated over the years.… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Zario Pro's lifetime subscription for $39.99 helps you cut screen time, stay focused, and get more done — without boring you to death. You know that moment when you pick up your… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Get lifetime access to the 2025 ChatGPT Skills and Creativity bundle for $29.99 — learn how to make AI your new secret weapon for work, creativity, and travel. AI isn't just for… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Cut your video quickly with the flexible Corel VideoStudio Pro X9. Whether you're capturing family shenanigans, crafting the perfect TikTok, or putting together a slick work presentation, video is everywhere. Luckily,… READ THE REST