Boing Boing

Awful dance music remixes of Strawberry Fields Forever

I am unable to stop listening to Gigi d'Agostino's unpleasant cover of Strawberry Fields Forever. It's not merely bad, but an atrocity that seems a parody of dance music: overlaying the cacophony is a recurring simulation of club-inflicted tinnitus. Why can't I get it out of my head? The Beatles wedded to nascent stirrings of 1990s nostaglia? Insane! I know!

Perhaps you imagine it could not be worse. You would be wrong. Exhibit A: Candy Flip's own version of S.F.F., which stormed the British charts in 1990. Then I was but a child and knew no better–now there no excuses. YouTube has more.

Also from the same abyss: listening to the theme tune from Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds (wherein the apotheosis of European culture is found at the intersection of French literature, Spanish television and British children's music); You are a Pirate; and anything at all by The Shamen.

Update: Gigi's version of Nik Kershaw's The Riddle is, of course, genius.

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