Boing Boing

La Pequeña Gigante

(Video: live Chilean television coverage, shot off TV set on iPhone so pardon quality).

I'm in Guatemala for a brief personal trip. I was just now sitting here in the family home after lunch, with the TV on. Suddenly, regular programming was interrupted by a live feed from Chile: a giant mechanical doll-girl has taken over the streets of Santiago. There are a bunch of dudes in red velvet suits yanking her cables. WTF.

"La Pequeña Gigante" is what the Chilean TV announcers are calling her. Turns out she's the creation of French mechanical marionette street theatre company Royal de Lux. She, and they, have been blogged here on Boing Boing a number of times. They've performed in Chile before (and many other cities), and the troupe is headed to NYC later this year. I may be the last to know about the takeover of earth by our giant-doll-girl overlords, but I, for one, welcome them.

They keep dressing and undressing her on TV. She's done more outfit changes in the past half hour than Cher during a live show. They're saying it took 80 horse-tails to create her eyelashes and hair. Her blinking eyes and jointed neck are creepy. The live coverage has been going on for like 2 hours now. I can't stop watching.

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