Boing Boing

At the edges of libraries


Here's an annotated list of things that are not quite libraries, not just books. Thanks for hosting me as a guestblogger this week as I've scooted around the country with a bag full of books and a laptop.

Shelf and ownership marks at the Princeton University library including a list of ownership marks of collections and libraries absorbed into the main collections (highlights).
Library of Dust – BLDGBLOG's review of a book of photography and essays.

an Oregon state psychiatric institution began to cremate the remains of its unclaimed patients. Their ashes were then stored inside individual copper canisters and moved into a small room, where they were stacked onto pine shelves…. Over time, however, the canisters have begun to react chemically with the human ashes held inside them; this has thus created mold-like mineral outgrowths on the exterior surfaces of these otherwise gleaming cylinders."

Publishing Food #2 – Edible Geography looks at miniature cookbooks and chocolate letters and robotic food chefs.
– Fore-Edge book painting comes in classic and modern forms
Brian Dettmer's book art
– American Woodworker shows people how to make a Lumber Library to show off fancy woods. Another Wood Book.
Typo of the Day for Librarians – a compilation of common library catalog typos.
The International Edible Books festival album pages always make me hungry, for words and snacks
– A few more library mash-ups from an old MetaFilter post. And BibliOdyssey is always good for more biblioporn.

In memory of Steve Cisler, Apple's digital librarian and all-around awesome guy.

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