Boing Boing

Guestblogger: William Gurstelle!

Bill Gurstelle-And-Flamethrower

Please welcome the return of William Gurstelle as a guest blogger to Boing Boing!

Hello Boing Boing readers, my name is William Gurstelle, and I'm very happy to be here guest blogging again. I write about science, technology, and DIY culture. My stuff has been on the pages of Wired, The Atlantic, and Popular Science, and I am a contributing editor at Make magazine.  My best known books are
Ballistics and the recently published Absinthe
and Flamethrowers.

I do own a flamethrower and a medieval siege weapon named
Ludgar. I used to scare my neighbors, but no they're more or
less used to me. If you've got experience on making similar
things, I always love to hear about them. Drop me a line using
the form at

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