Boing Boing

Chatroulette: won't someone think of the children?

Some pithy thoughts on ChatRoulette (a site where you are presented with a feed from a random stranger's webcam and vice-versa until one or both of you click "next") from Dr danah boyd, who has smart stuff to say about moral panics and kids and the net (as always).

Like when I was a teen trolling through chatrooms, ChatRoulette is filled with all sorts of weird people. And most users ignore most other users until they find someone they find interesting or compelling. While the site was designed by a teen, minors do not dominate there (although there are plenty of young adults there). And, not surprisingly, teens on the site have ZERO interest in talking to older folks – even old folks like me. It's the strangest pairing dynamic… You can click Next and they can click Next until something gels. And even though I might want to talk to teens on the site, they have no desire to talk to me. Imagine if I was a sketchy guy. Right: no interest. Likewise, the people who most want to talk to me – a young woman – are the people that I don't want to talk to. So on and on and on we go clicking next until there's a possible spark. It's a game played by flaneurs walking the digital streets.

What I like most about the site is the fact that there's only so much you can hide. This isn't a place where police officers can pretend to be teen girls. This isn't a place where you feel forced to stick around; you can move on and no one will know the difference. If someone doesn't strike your fancy, move on. And on. And on.

ChatRoulette, from my perspective

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