Boing Boing

Werner Herzog 3D documentary on cave art

Werner Herzog is making a 3D documentary of the 30,000-year-old cave artwork at Chauvet in France.

Jim Leftwich says: "Wow, this looks spectacular. One of my favorite filmmakers putting 3D to one of the best uses so far."

"What is also strange," Herzog reveals, "is that somebody [in the cave] started a painting and then they left. And it's known that 3,500 years later somebody continued the painting. And then a bear that hibernated over it left scratch marks. And over the scratch marks there was man, bear, man, bear, man, bear, man [over time]. It's like time does not occur – it's completely fantastic."

Werner Herzog has taken his 3D camera among the rocky fissures and 30,000-year-old cave artwork at Chauvet in France

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