Here's another example showing that the more important and powerful you are, the less likely you are to use email, text messaging, instant messaging, or other forms of electronic communication (other than the phone).
From oral arguments in the US Supreme Court case City of Ontario v. Quon:
UPDATE: BB commentor SeppTB says: "Read in context, the 'email vs pager' comment is a worthy question to ask."
The first sign was about midway through the argument, when Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. – who is known to write out his opinions in long hand with pen and paper instead of a computer – asked what the difference was "between email and a pager?"
Other justices' questions showed that they probably don't spend a lot of time texting and tweeting away from their iPhones either.
At one point, Justice Anthony Kennedy asked what would happen if a text message was sent to an officer at the same time he was sending one to someone else.
"Does it say: 'Your call is important to us, and we will get back to you?'" Kennedy asked.
Justice Antonin Scalia wrangled a bit with the idea of a service provider.
"You mean (the text) doesn't go right to me?" he asked.
Then he asked whether they can be printed out in hard copy.
"Could Quon print these spicy little conversations and send them to his buddies?" Scalia asked.