Boing Boing

Pokemonification of the US C-note

Check out the description of the security features on the new US $100 bill: it really sounds like the deluxe bonus card in a pack of bubblegum cards:

Benjamin Franklin is still on the C-note. But he has been joined by a disappearing Liberty Bell in an inkwell and a bright blue security ribbon composed of thousands of tiny lenses that magnify objects in mysterious ways. Move the bill, and the objects move in a different direction…

The new blue security ribbon will give a 3-D effect to the micro-images that the thousands of lenses will be magnifying. Tilt the note back and forth and you will see tiny bells on the ribbon change to 100s as they move.

But that's not all. Tilt the note back and forth and the images will move side to side. Tilt the note side to side and the images will move up and down.

In addition, to the right of Franklin's portrait will be an inkwell that will change color from copper to green when the note is tilted. The movement will also make a Liberty Bell appear and disappear inside the inkwell.

Government goes high-tech to redesign $100 bills

(via /.)

(Image: H23 BB00934850 * …my $100 'star note', a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (2.0) image from gi's photostream)

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