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Uke Can Play interviews Amy Crehore about her painted ukuleles

BeatNik of the new blog Uke Can Play! interviewed my friend, Amy Crehore, about her painted ukuleles.

BeatNik: After you paint them, are they still playable?

Amy: They are all playable and sound great, and in the case of vintage, they have either been lovingly restored to playability or happen to be in mint condition. I would not have it any other way. However, one may not want to play them very often, but rather treat them as fine art collectibles and one-of-a-kind examples of my art. After all, the best specimens in the finest instrument collections are ones that have not been destroyed by playing. Some are quite rare.

BeatNik:I heard you are also in a band – are ukuleles part of your music, as well?

Amy: Yes. The ukulele fits well into the type of music I play with my husband – authentic jugband, early jazz and blues of the 20s and 30s. We prefer the sound of the black musicians of that period.

Ten Things I Had To Ask Amy!

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