Boing Boing

'Pay what you want' for Jason Rohrer's <em>Sleep is Death</em>


Jason Rohrer — no doubt inspired by the continued and jaw-dropping success of the Humble Indie Bundle (currently up to $1.24 million raised) — has just revealed a pay-anything deal for his free-form multiplayer storytelling game Sleep is Death. For a donation of any amount over $1.75, you'll get two copies of the game (one each for the storyteller and the storytell-ee).

If you've been on the fence with this one, the time is now (see my original feature on the game for the specifics on how it works and why it's important/valuable) and don't forget to check out previously noted third-party helper sites like SIDTube to download art packs and mediate online play.

Sleep is Death [Jason Rohrer]

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