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Meet the "Atlanta Magnet Man" — a street cleaning hero
In Atlanta, the streets are safer for car tires, thanks to the efforts of a guy known as the "Atlanta Magnet Man." Alex Benigno has taken it upon himself to… READ THE REST
Over a thousand clown dolls await at Denmark's quirkiest pub
Cirkuskroen is a marionette-filled circus themed pub in Denmark. The whimsical dive bar displays over 1,300 clown figurines who seem to watch you as you drink and dine. Besides its… READ THE REST
The Wind Telephone in Otsuchi, Japan, is for calling the dead
In Otsuchi, Japan, you'll find a special phone booth known as the Wind Telephone, created by Itaru Saski as a way to cope with grief and feel closer to loved… READ THE REST
Tired of your PC's attitude? Fix it with Windows 11 Pro.
TL;DR: Don't give up on your PC yet. Upgrade to Windows 11 Pro for just $19.97 (reg. $199). Have you thrown some side-eye at your computer recently? Maybe it's slow, clunky, or just… READ THE REST
Why pay for AI when you just need Word and Excel?
TL;DR: Get Microsoft Office Professional 2021 for Windows for just $59.97—the smartest way to get your favorite tools without paying for features you'll never use. While everyone would like to tell you otherwise,… READ THE REST
We're being completely normal about this $999 MacBook Pro selling for $350
TL;DR: This MacBook Pro would usually cost $999, but now it's only $349.97. Shopping for a new computer is kind of like dating. You learn about a new computer, see if it'd fit… READ THE REST