Boing Boing

<em>Parappa</em> dev NanaOn-Sha creating charity iPhone game <em>WINtA</em>

OneBigGame — the charity-focused games publisher you will hopefully recall as being behind Zoe Mode's excellent music puzzler Chime — has just announced the next release in their ongoing fund-raising catalog.

This time it's WINtA, a new iPhone game designed by NanaOn-Sha's Masaya Matsuura — the developer responsible for foundational music games Parappa the Rapper, UmJammer Lammy and Vib Ribbon — with the help of Dutch developers Triangle Studios.

Descriptions of the game itself are vague, for now: OneBigGame says that it "combines elements of pattern recognition challenges with the natural tendency of humans to tap along with music and words", but at top is video of an early prototype of the game from last year's GameCity festival that should give you a better idea of what to expect.

As usual, all proceeds from sales of the game will be going to charities like Save the Children and Starlight when the game is released on the App Store later this summer.

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