Boing Boing

Boing Boing Submitterator!


Every day, we receive hundreds of submissions of links you'd like to share with the Boing Boing universe. We're deeply thankful that you take the time to turn us on to the anomalies, curiosities, and eyebrow-raisers that you find in your online travels! But the sheer volume means that even the best often go unposted. So to make the submission process easier and an order-of-magnitude more fun, we've created the Submitterator! Think of it as a public submissions form: every link you submit is shared with everyone else to check out instead of vanishing into the dark night of the BB inbox. Of course, we'll be keeping a constant vigil on the Submitterator for possible front page posts. Meanwhile, you can also comment on everyone else's submissions, vote them up or down, and soon reTweet and Facebook Share them.

To use the Submitterator just hit "Submit a link" and have at it. (You'll need to log in using your regular Boing Boing username.) Keep your text and any excerpt short and snappy. If you include a URL, your submission headline will link to it. The best headlines are descriptive rather than punny. If you like what someone else submitted, click +. If you don't, click -.

(Of course, for submissions you'd like to keep private you can still use the traditional form.)

We hope that the Submitterator will become a place for all of us to take a wider view of wonderful things and share our individual excitement with the Boing Boing community.

We've wanted to build the Submitterator for several years. We're thankful to our launch sponsor, Zync from American Express, for helping us finally make it happen. And it wouldn't have been possible without the tremendous talent of our unstoppable developer Dean "Dino" Putney (pictured) and unbreakable managing editor Rob Beschizza. Of course, thanks also to super sysadmin Ken Snider for keeping the wires untangled.

Now, please join us and submit to the Submitterator!

Spotted a bug? Please send email to Dean at boing boing dot net, and be sure to tell him what browser and platform you're on.

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