Boing Boing

Homebrew 1/10 scale Cray-1 supercomputer

Chris Fenton has knocked together a "1/10-scale, binary-compatible, cycle-accurate Cray-1" as part of an ongoing "computational necromancy" project: "What's the point of owning a Cray-1 if it doesn't *look* like a Cray-1?? Unfortunately, the square-shaped FPGA board isn't conducive to actually making it the traditional "C" shape, but I think it turned out pretty cool anyway. My friend Pat was nice enough to let me use his CNC milling machine to cut out the base pieces (and help with assembly). It's a combination of MDF, balsa wood and pine. There was also a healthy dose of blood, sweat and tears (and gorilla glue) involved."

Homebrew Cray-1A

(Thanks, Chris, via Submitterator)

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