Boing Boing

Gene Roddenberry's Rolodex sells for $1280


Kevin says:

"Thought you'd like to see this…  William Shatner's info from Gene Roddenberry's Rolodex (redacted for his privacy, but genuine).  The guy that bought the Rolodex (at the recent Star Trek auction) is a friend of mine here at work.  He paid a whopping $1280 for the dang thing… more than three times as much as I would have even considered.  It's got lots of cool information in it.  I'll share more when my friend gets brave enough to bring the whole thing to work.  He wants to put it in a clear box for display so nobody does anything foolish like sneezing on it."

Not only was Shatner's info in there, so was Nimoy's, Carl Sagan's secretary, Astronaut Walter (Wally) Schirra, his wife (Majel) mobile phone number, all the numbers to house phones at his house, many relatives (surprisingly a lot are doctors in Georgia… does that make you think or what?!) and much, much more. I'm sure most if not all of the data here is very outdated and many of the people are no longer with us that are included on the cards, but it's cool anyway. I'm hoping to get a chance to shoot a photo of the actual Rolodex sometime, if he feels it is safe enough to bring it to work. What a treasure! My friend is considering checking out some of the numbers to see if they're still current. Who knows…

One of Gene Roddenberry's Rolodex Cards

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