Boing Boing

Nearly 200 Pentagon cybersecurity regulations, all on a handy, 2-foot-long chart

Here's a mindblowingly complex and exhaustive info-chart outlining the 193 documents that govern the activities of the Pentagon's geek squads.

Developed by the DASD CIIA (that's the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber, Identity & Information Assurance), the goal of the chart is to "capture the tremendous breadth of applicable policies, some of which many IA practitioners may not even be aware, in a helpful organizational scheme." And what a breadth it is: dozens and dozens of directives, strategies, policies, memos, regulations, strategies, white papers, and instructions, from "CNSSD-901: National Security Telecommunications and Information Security Systems Issuance System to "CNSSP-10: National Policy Governing Use of Approved Security Containers in Information System Security Applications to SP 800-37 R1: Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems.

The chart is two feet long. More at Danger Room, where you'll also find a larger copy of the image.

(thanks, Noah Shachtman).

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