Boing Boing

"Death-row inmate" seeks last meal advice on Amazon message-board

Someone claiming to be a death-row inmate posted a message to Amazon's Health Community message board asking for help in choosing a last meal. I'm skeptical that death-row inmates get to use Internet-connected computers (Xeni adds, "Death row inmates do not get Internet access. I can confirm that for you."), and there's some skeptical debate among the several hundred messages that follow on from original question, along with many menu suggestions and several exhortations to turn to Jesus.

renfield says:
I'm on death row in prison, and am allowed one last meal of my choosing to be cooked at local restaurants and delivered to my cell. Right now I'm considering; a full rack of bbq spare rips, mac and cheese, baked beans, coleslaw, twice baked potato and a dinner role with blueberry pie for desert and ice tea for a beverage. I'm not sure if this is what I want for sure and am in need of other people's suggestions, what they would choose as their final meal. Any new ideas would be appreciated.

Need help choosing last meal.

(Thanks, Reauxbot, via Submitterator)

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