Boing Boing

Why I am not a herpetologist

Kate Jackson is a herpetologist. Specifically, she is an expert in snakes.

I am not. And my distinct discomfort while watching the snake-y parts of this video confirm that this was a sound decision on my part.

What prompts some people—like me—to dislike snakes? Here, Kate Jackson is at a loss. She loves snakes and loves her job, and it's a real pleasure to listen to her talk about her work. (If you want to understand the enthusiasm that drives people to become scientists, this is the video to watch.)

Some research suggests that the widespread tendency toward ophidiophobia may have its roots in the fact that humans, historically, got a bit of an evolutionary advantage from avoiding snakes. I'll tell you what, though. I think it's the lack of legs that's the real trouble. I harbor no ill-will towards the lizards Jackson shows off. But I am very skeptical about that skink. And, as Jackson says, "You could say the skink is a lizard on its way to becoming a snake."

Thanks to Hamish Grant for Submitterating!

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