Boing Boing

Humble Indie Bundle 2 adds games from first bundle


Cory mentioned this campaign when it first launched, but the team behind the charity-driven Humble Indie Bundle 2 — which lets you pay what you like for five top-tier indie games — have now added all six games from this year's previous Indie Bundle, if you donate more than the overall average amount.

That means that for at least around $7.60 (you choose how much goes to the developers or organizations like EFF and Child's Play), you get eleven games: World of Goo, Aquaria, Gish, Lugaru HD, Penumbra Overture and Samorost 2 from the first bundle, along with newcomers Braid, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Osmos, and the newly released and super-stylized Revenge of the Titans.

Further unlocks like this are also expected — the Bundlers have also just announced that Titans will go open-source if donations reach $1.75 million in the 2 days remaining in the campaign.

Click here to contribute! (Humble Indie Bundle 2, illustration by the ever-amazing Nikklas Jansson via Amanita)

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