This helpful Venn diagram was created by Chartporn. [via Laughing Squid.]
People who touch your junk
- Civlib
About Face: EFF's new campaign to end government use of face surveillance
Today, the Electronic Frontier Foundation launched About Face, a new national campaign to end governmental use of facial recognition technology for surveillance at all levels — city, state and federal. READ THE REST
EFF and ACLU triumph as federal judge rules that warrantless, suspicionless device searches at the border are illegal
Back in 2017, EFF, ACLU and ACLU of Massachusetts sued the US government on behalf of 11 travelers whose devices had been subjected to warrantless, suspicionless searches by Customs and… READ THE REST
EFF is hiring a development director!
EFF has just posted a job listing for a development director, seeking someone to "take charge of EFF's eleven-person Development Team in their efforts to raise over $13 million each… READ THE REST
Egg and gas prices probably aren't going down, but you can find better value at Sam's Club
TL;DR: Want your paycheck to stretch farther while grocery shopping? Find better value by joining Sam's Club with this 1-year membership that comes with Auto-Renew, now just $20 (reg. $50). You've seen… READ THE REST
The smartphone that can reduce your daily doomscrolling—literally
TL;DR: Save 50% on the NanoPhone through February 23, the ultra-tiny smartphone that'll make you think twice about your current phone. Has reducing your nightly doomscroll binges been on your 2025 resolution… READ THE REST
A MacBook without the premium price? This one's $250.
TL;DR: This $250 refurbished 13.3" MacBook Air gives you all the Apple style with none of the Apple tax. Whether you prefer Apple's software or just like the feel of their products,… READ THE REST