Boing Boing

Sex questions answered: 1959

The "Your Sex Questions Answered" column in the January, 1959 issue of Sexology is a slightly depressing look at the sexual ignorance and general-screwed-upped-ness that grown adults suffered with in days of yore; things aren't great now, but at least most contemporary women probably know that getting plastic fallopian tubes installed won't cure your infertility.

I can't have any children because I had an operation when I was 29 years old and everything was removed except my womb. The doctors said it was a healthy organ and since I was still comparatively young, he would leave it in.

I have heard that doctors are replacing missing organs with plastic or some synthetic materials, and that they do function as before. If this is true please advise me as to where I can secure the vital information concerning such an operation.

Mrs. D. M., Missouri

I love that people who sent in private questions had to enclose 50 cents for "stenographic and typewriting charges."

Your Sex Questions Answered (Jan, 1959)

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