Boing Boing

LA Magazine asks me about my favorite places in LA


Photo of Vanalden Cave. See my other photos of the Vanalden Cave.

The inimitable Chris Nichols of Los Angeles magazine interviewed me about some of my favorite places in Los Angeles. I told him about the Vanalden Cave, the Norton Simon Museum, Ramen Jinya, Meltdown Comics, Machine Project, and other places.

Cru: I'm not a vegan or a raw food eater exclusively but I like this raw food vegan restaurant in Silver Lake. You think of raw vegan food as chewing fiber until your jaw falls off from exhaustion, but they have this really good ravioli made with thinly shaved slices of jicama and filled with nuts and spices. You won't walk out thinking, now let's go to the Argentinian restaurant.

San Vicente Mountain Park:
L.A. used to have a bunch of Nike Ajax supersonic missile launch sites. The one on Mulholland Drive is now a park and the view is beautiful. It has these really cool looking structures that used to be a radar system with metal platforms. There's even a sign posted about the cold war with Kruschev's famous line "We will bury you."

My LA to Z: Mark Frauenfelder

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