Boing Boing

Marshall Brain's weekly science and technology news roundup podcast

BrainStuff.jpgMarshall Brain is the founder of (which he sold to Discovery Networks in 2007 for $250 million). Brain records a daily podcast called BrainStuff, in which he explains how machines and systems work. I enjoy these podcasts, but a few weeks ago he started devoting Fridays to what he calls his "weekly science and technology news roundup," and I've become an instant fan of these outstanding summaries of interesting things happening around the world. The podcasts are about 20 minutes long, and in each one, Brain covers about 20 different news items.

In his most recent roundup, Brain covered the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the laser blaster that Cory blogged about on Boing Boing last week, a solar powered, semi transparent, experimental television set from Samsung, a report that found that people who take naps in the afternoon do much better on mental performance tests than people who don't take naps, a pregnant woman who conducted her own experiment to see if chivalrous behavior existed on the New York City subway system, a scary report that shows that ice loss in Antarctica and Greenland has been accelerating, a way to install the Android operating system on a Nook e-book reader to turn it into a $200 tablet computer, and a lot more.

Many of the things Brain covers in his news Roundup are also included in his terrific Interesting Reading reports on his blog.

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