Boing Boing

Japan nuclear crisis: BoingBoing Live video webcast today with Xeni, Maggie, Dean

Watch live streaming video from boingboinglive at

Later today, we're going to try out something a little different, and we'd like you to join us. Starting at 1:00 pm Eastern/ 12:00 pm Central/ 10:00 am Pacific, Xeni and I—along with BoingBoing's intrepid technology guru Dean Putney—will be logging into a live video chat. The topic: the recent earthquake, tsunami, and ongoing nuclear crisis in Japan.

This won't just be a conversation we have with each other. We're doing this through Livestream, a system that allows people watching the video to comment along in a chat room, and on Twitter. Dean will be taking questions from those feeds and forwarding them on to Xeni and me. If there's something you've been dying to know, this will be a good way to get it on our radar. Even if we don't know the answer off the top of our heads, we can use those questions as jumping off points for further research and upcoming posts to the blog.

If you want to join the conversation, just click on our Livestream page. Again, we'll start talking at 1:00 Eastern/ 12:00 Central/ 10:00 Pacific. And, if you can't make it in time for the live chat, we'll post the full video here later.

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