Boing Boing

RIP, Mike Glicksohn, Hugo-winning science fiction fan

Mike Glicksohn, a lifelong prominent science fiction fan, has died from cancer. He was 64, and is survived by his wife, Susan Manchester. I can't count the number of times I've run into Mike at a con and had a conversation that was surprising, interesting, and delightful. He will be sorely missed.

Back home in Toronto Mike made his living as a high school mathematics teacher. He and Susan Wood had married in 1970 after meeting at Boskone the year before. Together they published the leading fannish fanzine, Energumen, for several years, turning out 15 impeccably mimeographed issues filled with brilliant art and contributions from the most sought-after fanwriters. Their zine won a Hugo at Torcon II in 1973. However, by that time their marriage had broken up although they remained on terms that allowed them to accept Aussiecon's invitation to be joint Fan Guests of Honor at the 1975 Worldcon. The Hat Goes Home is Mike's report of that trip…

If Mike had a fannish philosophy, I'd say it was something he'd inject into the dialogue when, now and then, things got a little heated: Unless you were having fun, there wasn't any point in staying in fandom.

He was always ready to enjoy the good times and help create them. He'd play along with the joke – like when he let Elst Weinstein and I make him co-GoH of the 1978 Hogu Ranquet. He even refused to let us pay for his hamburger.

Mike's memorial service is being held in Toronto this coming Wednesday.

Mike Glicksohn (1946-2011)

(Thanks, Jack, via Submitterator)

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