Torontoist, Toronto Star and Boing Boing endorse the NDP in Canada's national election

Torontoist joins the Toronto Star (and me) in endorsing the New Democratic Party for Canada's national election today. In addition to the excellent reasons enumerated below in the Torontoist endorsement, allow me to add that the NDP also has a fantastic pro-Internet platform, promising balanced copyright, fair nationwide Internet access, a neutral Internet, and opposition to the Tory plan to wiretap, surveil and censor the Internet.

Only the NDP have any sense of ambition for what government can do to improve our environment, both in terms of a climate change strategy and in possessing an interest for a 21st-century renewable power grid. The NDP's crime policy proposals are realistic, defined, and compassionate. Their immigration policy intelligently addresses many of the issues with our current system, including the opportunity for immigrant families to sponsor a single non-close relative, while still accepting that crackdowns on immigration consultation and updating our professional certification programs for immigrants must remain priorities. Their cultural policies promote homegrown content and recognize the massive return on investment that smart cultural funding can generate. Of the three major national parties, theirs is the only one with internet and technology policies relevant to the needs of modern Canada. The NDP's take on national defence is very well reasoned: Layton's announcement that his government would focus on the shipbuilding program that the Tories have been dragging their heels on, including a renewed focus on the oft-delayed Joint Support Ship program, is commendable indeed. And the NDP have committed to ending our deployment in Afghanistan–a mission our military has undertaken with skill and dignity, but one which increasingly appears to be a lost cause and which Canada can no longer afford.

More important than any of that, though, is the NDP's commitment to political and electoral reform. Both Jack Layton and the party as a whole are determined to do their best to reform Canada's electoral system away from our outmoded, obsolete first-past-the-post structure into something modern which better reflects the true intentions of Canadians through more proportional representation, be that through party list voting, single-transferable vote, or mixed-member proportional representative voting. This reform is something our country desperately needs. Similarly, the NDP's proposals for preventing the abusive use of the proroguing power and Layton's suggestions for governmental bodies to audit proposed legislation are good ones. The NDP's proposed abolition of the Senate is drastic but not without its appeal, especially in the wake of Conservative use of the Senate as an anti-democratic tool to prevent the passage of popular legislation.

We in the UK are going to the polls this week to vote on replacing first past the post with a preferential ballot (part of the NDP's platform), and I'll be voting YES on Alternative Voting. I hope my friends in the UK will consider doing the same, so that we can join the worldwide push for a fairer, more representative government where representatives rely more on voters — not rich donors or party machines — for their seats..

In Endorsement of the NDP