Boing Boing

Nina Paley's Kickstarter project for copyfighting comic tracts

Copyfighting cartoonist Nina Paley is raising money on Kickstarter to pay for a print-run of copyright abolition tracts expanding on on Misinformation Wants to Be Free, her print-on-demand Mimi and Eunice book. She's hoping that with a prepaid print-run, she can get the price of the tracts way down.

Unfortunately those print-on-demand prototypes cost $7 each to make. But by printing a large run on a regular press, the cost of each minibook drops to $3 or less (this is my cost, not retail). I should be able to get the per-book cost significantly lower (between $1 and $2), but I'm estimating $3 here to be cautious.

The $3,000 is to pay for such a run. I will print as many mini-books as I can for $3,000 (or whatever I raise). The more booklets I can afford to print, the cheaper each booklet will be. Ideally each one will be so cheap they'll be affordable to give away, or leave in laundromats and libraries a la Jack Chick tracts.

Mimi & Eunice's Intellectual Pooperty minibooks

(via Command Line)

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