"Of course he's the fucking farmer!" [Cut by Raffjones, via @greatdismal]
Star Wars meets Withnail and I
- Funny
- withnail
Mystery man smashes his ride-on lawnmower into multiple mailboxes for what looks like no good reason (video)
Police in San Carlos Park, Florida are searching for a fellow drove his lawnmower into multiple mailboxes on a residential street. His antics were caught on video, below. LIKE BOING… READ THE REST
People selling mirrors online try and fail to hide from view
My new favorite thing to look for at online markeplaces is photos of people trying to sell their mirrors. Many people find hilariously awkward ways to hide their own reflection… READ THE REST
Unique contraption spotted on the side of the road
Today, my friend sent me a photo of this unique contraption that they saw on the side of the road. The contraption looks like part of a tractor, combined with… READ THE REST
Egg and gas prices probably aren't going down, but you can find better value at Sam's Club
TL;DR: Want your paycheck to stretch farther while grocery shopping? Find better value by joining Sam's Club with this 1-year membership that comes with Auto-Renew, now just $20 (reg. $50). You've seen… READ THE REST
The smartphone that can reduce your daily doomscrolling—literally
TL;DR: Save 50% on the NanoPhone through February 23, the ultra-tiny smartphone that'll make you think twice about your current phone. Has reducing your nightly doomscroll binges been on your 2025 resolution… READ THE REST
A MacBook without the premium price? This one's $250.
TL;DR: This $250 refurbished 13.3" MacBook Air gives you all the Apple style with none of the Apple tax. Whether you prefer Apple's software or just like the feel of their products,… READ THE REST