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India: more on IED blasts in Mumbai, officials say terrorist attack


"Smells like 26/11 over again," writes a friend in India. There are reports of three or more explosions of improvised explosive devices in Mumbai. India's home secretary on TV now describing it as a terrorist attack, with 10 deaths, 54 injuries, and the caveat that both numbers could rise as more information becomes known.

One of the bombs, according to Mumbai's police commissioner via NDTV, was hidden beneath an umbrella. This is the first apparent terrorist assault in the city since Pakistani militants attacked in 2008; previously, there were train attacks in 2006, and car bombs in 2003.

Follow #mumbai on Twitter for hashtag, and The Guardian now has a good liveblog going. NDTV's live video coverage is here (video).

"Television channels are currently reporting that the explosions were IEDs, sourced to Home Ministry," tweets Lydia Polgreen of NYT Delhi. Police on TV right now are confirming the same, describing details of the IEDs found at the blast sites. They are still looking for additional unexploded devices. On Twitter, Polgreen adds that in the past, Mumbai gangs have set up IEDs, but that it is too early to determine who is responsible. @vikasbajaj of NYT is also updating from Mumbai. There is confusion about exactly what's going on.

Mid Day is updating on Twitter with practical, local information about transit details for residents.

Ethan Zuckerman adds, "The remarkable @dina is reporting on the blasts in Mumbai and coordinating disaster response – worth following for an on-the-ground view."

(thanks, Laird Brown)

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