Boing Boing

The heartbreaking story of the flanged globe

PhilAreGo wrote a funny story to go along with this old magazine advertisement.

Sarah couldn't believe it had come to this. Borbert's pelvis had been shattered in a freak gardening mishap, and without his income from his job at the inflatable furniture factory, their future looked uncertain. They had come to face the cruel truth… that they would have to sell off some of their heirlooms, like the football shaped phone, or that book of carpet samples they had found together on that donkey trip through the Ozarks. But the sacrifice that stung the most – that threatened to bring her to tears – was the sale of their flanged globe.

She remembered the day that she and Borbert had bought the flanged globe. They had gone on a second honeymoon to Brown County, and stayed at a little bed and breakfast run by that adorable old woman with the dueling scar and the club foot. It had been autumn, and the leaves were just beginning their seasonal chlorophylophiboc transformation. They found the little globe shop inbetween the sexual marionette shop and a store where a grizzled farmer made broken apple crates.

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